We have 20 years of experience in financing, construction, operation and maintenance of some of the world’s largest bridges and tunnels.

Sund & Bælt Partner A/S is our commercial consulting and sales specialist operating under Sund & Bælt Holding A/S.

We provide consultancy services along with digital and data-driven solutions for infrastructure owners across the world. We have 20 years of experience in financing, construction, operation and maintenance of some of the world’s largest bridges and tunnels, including the Storebælt and Øresund fixed links plus the upcoming Fehmarnbelt fixed link.

We are unique in that our consultants are actually our own experts with sound practical experience and because we only provide products and digital solutions when they have been tested and successfully deployed at our own infrastructures. In other words, we sell quality that is tried, tested and guaranteed to work.    

We create value for you as a client through being at the forefront of our technology sector. We believe that data-driven technology is more efficient than manual processes. Our data-driven digital solutions enable infrastructure owners to optimise and streamline operation and maintenance of their assets and thereby extend their lifetime.

Our consultancy services and solutions

Sund & Bælt Partner offers consultancy services, digital tools and unique knowledge and insight into the financing, construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure projects. Read on to discover how we can drive the success of your business.

  • Photographic Asset Inspection (PAI) as a service (IaaS)
  • Visualisation of data for better decision-making – TBM 360
  • Consultancy through all phases of an asset’s lifetime and digitalisation
  • Financial consultancy

Our vision, mission and values